NUSMods 3.0

Living on the cutting edge

By Li Kai and Yang Shun

Hi, I'm Li Kai

I built

And I'm Yang Shun

I work at Grab, built NUSMods and founded NUSWhispers.


  • NUSMods v3.0
    • New Application Architecture
    • Technical Challenges
    • Moving Forward


NUSMods doesn't work that well on phones.
NTU has to use their proprietary planner.

It's time for

A little demo

Modify was built with VueJS

Why Vue?

Easy to learn

  1. {{ todo.text }}

Don't just take my word

Gitlab says it's easy too

It is fast.

It's getting increasingly popular

“But if you look at percentages, it turns out the uncontested leader is instead React. What's more surprising is Vue's performance, coming second by both measures [Interest and Satisfaction].”
- StateOfJS

Just for Fun: Parsing NTU

Crawling with Scrapy I thought this was a Javascript talk?

NTU load their data in an iframe.


  1. Get the iframe url
  2. Url has a subject code search parameter
  3. How do we get all modules?
    Pass in nothing!

Modern HTML layout


Easy to parse via selectors

Layout using tables

Prerequisite: AC2101(Corequisite) & AC2401(Corequisite) & AC3101
Mutually exclusive with: AA205, AC3104

No well defined layers


Select using color tags

Select using &nbsp that was in between each module somehow

A brief introduction to NUSMods

What does NUSMods stand for?

  • NUS Modules?
  • NUS Moderators?
  • NUS Modifications?

Naming is one of the hardest things in Computer Science.

Goals and Objectives

  • Enhance the quality of lives and school experience of NUS students through technology
  • Provide a platform to encourage students to experiment and create original community-engaging work via NUSMods API.


  • 2012 - Official timetable not usable. Unofficial version was Windows only. Beng built a jQuery version.
  • 2014 - Rebuilt by Beng and Yang Shun using Backbone and Marionette. Many features were added.
  • 2016 - Yang Shun and Li Kai rebuilding in React and Redux. Many features will be killed off.

Evolution of NUSMods

Version 0.1 - CORSet

Version 1.0 - NUSMods Beta

Refresh the page if it doesn't load

NUSMods v3.0 collaboration

It started with a Github issue

Key Considerations

  • Mobile first
    • Increased mobile penetration
  • Optimize for performance
    • Low end devices
    • Poor network connectivity
  • Maintainability

Engineering Philosophy

Nimble but stable

  • Easily understandable
    • Ease onboarding for new developers
    • Standardized coding style
    • Documented code
  • Write future-proof code
    • Well-tested
    • Component/plugin-based architecture and workflow

Stack Evolution

v2.0 v3.0
Bundler Grunt + Browserify Webpack
Language ES5 ES6 / Babel By Facebook
Package Manager NPM Yarn By Facebook
JS Framework Backbone + Marionette React + Redux By Facebook
Type N/A Flow By Facebook
Tests N/A Jest By Facebook

V3.0 Client App Stack

View - React

  • Declarative
    • Describe what you want, instead of how you want
    • By looking at the template code, you know how the final result will look like
    • Fewer hops in logic required
  • Predictable
    • UI is a function of state: render(data) -> view
    • Given this set of data, A, the rendered output will definitely look like B
  • Component-based

Logic - Redux

  • Flux architecture
  • Single, Global State Tree
    • Single source of truth. Data stays in sync for different parts of the application.
    • Undo/redo made easy
  • Changes are made with pure functions
    • Reducers are pure functions that take the previous state and an action, and computes the next state.
    • reducer(state, action) -> nextState
  • Good for interactive apps where changes to app state can be made from many places.


function addModule(moduleCode, lessons) {
  return {
    type: 'ADD_MODULE',
    payload: {
      moduleCode: moduleCode,
      lessons: lessons

timetable reducer

function timetable(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'ADD_MODULE':
      var newState = Object.assign({}, state);
      return newState;
      return state;

Fire same action from different places.

Types - Flow

  • Catches common bugs in JavaScript code before they even run
    // @flow
    function foo(x) {
      return x * 10;
    foo('Hello, world!');
  • Add gradually
  • Implicit form of documentation

type Module = {
  AcadYear: string,
  CorsBiddingStats: Array<BiddingStat>,
  Department: string,
  ModuleCode: string,
  ModuleCredit: string,
  ModuleDescription: string,
  ModuleTitle: string,
  Preclusion?: string,
  Prerequisite?: string,
  Types: Array<string>,
  Workload?: string

type Lesson = {
  ClassNo: string,
  DayText: string,
  EndTime: string,
  LessonType: string,
  ModuleCode: string,
  StartTime: string,
  Venue: string,
  WeekText: string

Key Considerations Revisited

Mobile First

Develop for the phone first, using Chrome/Firefox's mobile debugger

Use media queries intensively


Drag n Drop too unintuitive

Clicking is easier, faster and less technically challenging

Good bye DnD

Theme Colors

  • Picked from Material Design palette
  • Accessibility testing


  • Killing of unpopular colors
  • The feature everyone wanted: Color pickers

Search Implementation


All substrings are included, module codes' ranking come after descriptions


Smarter rankings, less typing!

Offline first

Better experience for people

Especially important for mobile devices


Service Workers

No access to DOM but can intercept requests

Does much much more, but...

Poorly supported in Safari

Flexible start/end timings

We realised lessons that start at 6am exists

So did lessons that ended at midnight

So which hours do we present?


Plot out all lessons' start and end time for this semester

~90% of lessons lie between 10am and 7pm


More Graphs!

Perhaps this is why the buses are so packed?

Horizontal / Vertical Mode

Problem arised when:

NTU people complained about horizontal mode.

NUS people complained about vertical mode.

Solution: Toggle-able orientations

Timetable Implementation

A tale of tables, boxes and blocks

Code for a simple timetable

First Attempt


Too difficult to work with. Tables are not responsive.

Second Attempt


Flexible, but difficult to master.

Also, many cross browser bugs. Curse you safari !

You see where this is going

If only...

Third to Eighth Attempt

Different variations / rewrites

  • Momomods
  • Mods+
  • V3 rewrite
  • V3 rewrite 2

Latest Attempt


Finally getting close

Good browser support but has to depend on javascript for flexibility

Future Attempts

CSS Grids: the future?

V3.0 Demo

Timetabling Algorithm

Series of data transformations

type Lesson = {
  ClassNo: string,
  DayText: string,
  EndTime: string,
  LessonType: string,
  ModuleCode: string,
  StartTime: string,
  Venue: string,
  WeekText: string

Starts with an array of Lessons

Group Lessons by Days

// from
[LessonA, LessonB, LessonC, LessonD, ...];

// into
    Monday: [LessonA, LessonB, LessonC],
    Tuesday: [LessonD, ...]

Arrange Lesson within each Day

// from
    Monday: [LessonA, LessonB, LessonC],
    Tuesday: [LessonD, ...]

// into
    Monday: [
        [LessonA, LessonB],
    Tuesday: [
        [LessonD, ...]

Generic useful timetable representation

Detailed explanation found here

NUSModerator.js Library

Utlity toolbelt for nus applications

  • Academic week calculation
  • TBD: Timetable generation algorithm and various utility functions. You can build your own timetabling client
  • TBD: Matric number letter calculation
  • TBD: Wrapper for NUSMods API

The Future

  • Dominate timetabling for Singapore universities
  • React Native app making use of NUSModerator.js library

Advice for new blood

JavaScript fatigue is real and it's here to stay.

Learn to embrace it.

Back to basics

  • Write ES5, not ES6/ES2015.
  • jQuery + CSS, then MVC frameworks and Sass.
  • Start development without frameworks/libraries.
  • Don't learn frameworks, learn principles.

Wise Words

Open Source

React Redux Starter

NPM ES6 Starter

Soon: ES7 GraphQL Backend Starter



By NUSModifications